Friday, March 7, 2008

I Love My Peoples!

So i just got back from the DMV. And i must say, this was the most pleasant DMV experience i have had in my entire life! it took all of 10 minutes. (the trick: make an appointment in the mid-morning or mid-afternoon. stay away from lunchtime!) not only was it short and pleasant, but HELLA funny. check this out.

i walk in, stand in a short line under the "start here" sign. in front of me is a 40ish filipino man, about 5'8", thin, mid-length wavy hair, a la every pinoy's favorite karaoke icon, neil diamond. dark eyes, dark hair, and i smile - i kid you not - like the JOKER. he has to get his license renewed as well. cool.

by the time i read the eye chart, pay my $28, and reach the far left corner of the office to take my picture, boyet (made that up) is right in front of me, taking his photo.

boyet : ok, make my picture good. i don't want to come back and take another one.

dmv guy (does a double take): ok sir.

boyet poses.

dmv guy: sir, can you close your mouth?

boyet: i want to smile! why cannot i smile in my driver's license!

dmv guy (realizing that he was in fact, smiling, and not just opening his mouth): oh, i'm sorry sir. of course you can smile.

dmv guy snaps photo.

boyet (walks over): let me see it. is it good?

dmv guy: no, you blinked. let's take another one.

boyet (perturbed): gees, what a waste of a good smile.

dmv guy's face: [oh my god are you KIDDING ME?!]

dmv guy takes picture, boyet takes another look, and thumbs up. done.

boyet: thank you very much.

dmv guy: thank you sir. next!


ok, maybe you had to be there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no, your description was perfect! hahaha. i love us.